在加拿大留学的学生大部分都会选择去美国玩一趟,因为毕竟已经到了北美,去一趟美国还是挺方便的。而事实上从加拿大入境美国的签出率要比从国内高得多。 首先,美国签证官拒签的第一个理由是有移民倾向。对于加拿大留学生来说,有主够的理由可以说服移民官,“我是要回来滴”。第二个理由可能就是资金方面了,出行美国要保证你有足够的经济能力能承担你此行的费用。而这方面,加拿大留学生已经做过很细致的资金来源解释(在申请加拿大签证的时候),申请美国签证时就会简单很多,只需要你开具在加拿大办理的银行卡的历史记录和存款信息。再者,因为是留学生肯定是要回加拿大完成学业的,所以在在读期间,申请签证是最容易过的。 以下是我的一个朋友在面签时遇到的趣事: 面签对话。。。签证官是个亚洲面孔的中年男性。。。很文雅很nice。。。 签证官:Okay, Ms. (我滴名字) right? (在看passport的第一页) 我: Yes. 签:Nei Mongol? Are you Mongolian? (这是看到出生地那一栏) 我:No. I was born in Inner Mongolia, but I'm not live in there now. 签:So you're not Mongolian? 我:No. (此时开始翻我的passport,看到上面密密麻麻的出入境印章,语气是相当震惊) 签: Oh...it seems you're not really in Canada!You went back a lot! 我: Yes...twice a year... 签: Twice a year? 我: Yes. Summer and winter. 签: So five months huh? 我: Less than five months.(弱弱的说,还不愿意承认) 签: So you just came back one month ago. 我: Yes 签: What are you doing here in Canada? 我: I'm studying. 签: Studying. Where are you studying? 我: Capilano University (递上我的supplementary documents: school letter, bank statement, and account summary by term) 签: Capilano College? 我: University! It's university now! 签: (笑的呢)Ya-yeh...Capilano University 我:Yup. (得意的) (此时他在看我的school letter。看完以后开始看电脑屏幕上我的资料) 签:Huzhou. Where is Huzhou? 我:It's my husband's hometown. 签:Husband! You already got married?!(第二次震惊) 我:Yes. (不好意思的笑笑,我shy了。。。) 签:Where is your husband now? 我:He is in Qingdao, China. That's why I went back so frequently. 签:What does he do there? 我:He helps my parents with their business. 签:What's their business? 我:They operate a factory. 签:What kind of factory? 我:Clothes manufacturing. (此时在看我的supplementary documents里面的bank statement) 签:Did your husband give you that money? (指着我一月初回来时候的一笔“巨额”存款) 我:My parents. 签:So your mom gave you. 我:Yes 签:Why did they give you that much?(我发誓,没有很多。。。真的没有。。。) 我:Cuz I need to pay my tuition, you can see it here. (我把银行转帐信息之给他看) 签:But you still have that amount (指着我的account balance) 我:Cuz I told them that I'm planning to travel around, and maybe to the U.S. 签:Why do you want to go to the states? 我:Traveling, and maybe shopping 签:Maybe shopping... (他又开始看我的supplementary documents,看到后面的account summary by term,发现我每个学期都上好多课) 签:A good student, hard-working 我:Thank you 签:What do you study? Commerce? 我: Business administration. 签:Business administration...you don't work? Why you don't work? 我:I want to, but my parents want me to finish earlier and go home. (关键的一句啊。。。) 签:Sounds good to me.(这回不用担心我去了不走了,还都以为他们美国好的不得了了是吧,好像谁去都是要移民似的) (我笑笑,知道差不多了。这时他把我手里的Xpress envelope拿走了,撕下上面的一个号码给我) 签:Ok, this is your receipts. We'll mail it to you tomorrow. Good luck! Have a good trip! 我:Thank you so much! Have a nice day! bye~(开心的走了,哈哈。。。走出五米,发现走错了,只好挂着冷汗重新走回去。。。没办法,我就是路痴啊。。。一共一条路还能走错方向) 我发现从头到尾所有的工作人员都很和气。从排队到安检到检查资料到验指纹,再到面签。虽然有的工作人员脸比较臭,但是在看到我笑脸的时候也都笑了,哈哈。。。几个小时,工作人员都认识我了,走的时候还跟我bye bye哦。。。我太有魅力了,哈哈哈哈。。。不要拍砖!不准拍!(拍吧,我当时确实装的有点温柔,哈哈。。。) 提醒一件事,申请美签的照片千万不要戴眼镜照。我被要求重照了。。。 |