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640-802 考试题库(1)



发表于 2009-7-29 14:23:57 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
1. A network administrator must configure 200 switch ports to accept traffic from only the currently attached host devices. What would be the most efficient way to configure MAC-level security on all these ports?" o* a( ^# C$ H3 J
A. Visually verify the MAC addresses and then telnet to the switches to enter the switchport-port security mac-address command.
6 Q. u: y7 ]6 g+ a( RB. Have end users e-mail their MAC addresses. Telnet to the switch to enter the switchport-port security mac-address command.) B9 N% J  N0 N
C. Use the switchport port-security MAC address sticky command on all the switch ports that have end devices connected to them.
, D0 Q: w# @& [D. Use show mac-address-table to determine the addresses that are associated with each port and then enter the commands on each switch for MAC address port-security.; N1 I1 n8 D4 b1 b+ c) e7 S, N
Answer: C
( O: i8 S4 r& K. e) M# f+ [+ L# x( ]! q% t
2. Which two locations can be configured as a source for the IOS image in the boot system command? (Choose two.)8 h& u( P- Q) @, @, v
7 l1 H: O* X+ ^' A! YB. NVRAM
; H9 f+ Y) \3 T' v! VC. flash memory
: y% f3 f% n7 S: a+ B3 u; TD. HTTP server: g3 q7 n% b+ Y/ {# ^
E. TFTP server5 C" H# d5 x9 x$ E: Q) v
F. Telnet server
5 L! V. F1 R5 e4 ^Answer: CE/ m- F# p1 `0 ~

1 b: L6 E# U6 s  V/ W3. Which of the following IP addresses fall into the CIDR block of (Choose three.)
2 R3 |, m* [/ W2 D. x  ?( JA. a) A, G2 Q/ A3 X0 s4 Y8 |
B.! n9 c1 ^6 P  {
; Q! H0 K, W+ P* _$ a' _. |D.' i2 F7 s9 D( t, G. g  @7 z! f7 L
& P, u" E& X6 G: H& x& CF. f  ^& d  p) f9 O3 v3 v, Y- k* q
Answer: BCE
1 u" B4 L) {4 g: ?' `' Y
  l: _5 S$ J2 H, t3 B% o$ X4. Refer to the exhibit. Which three statements are true about how router JAX will choose a path to the network when different routing protocols are configured? (Choose three.)7 r; E# e  \& s- X3 E. E" \. l/ w+ a! {
A. By default, if RIPv2 is the routing protocol, only the path JAX-ORL will be installed into the routing table.) J8 c8 k/ Y# s2 ]1 z
B. The equal cost paths JAX-CHI-ORL and JAX- NY-ORL will be installed in the routing table if RIPv2 is the routing protocol.
2 l& [: B( x( q1 xC. When EIGRP is the routing protocol, only the path JAX-ORL will be installed in the routing table by default.$ a3 q: ^8 X, t3 m3 n
D. When EIGRP is the routing protocol, the equal cost paths JAX-CHI-ORL, and JAX-NY-ORL will be installed in the routing table by default.1 \$ G# W8 N7 S+ ~# X
E. With EIGRP and OSPF both running on the network with their default configurations, the EIGRP paths will be installed in the routing table.
- @: {- d, i; V% kF. The OSPF paths will be installed in the routing table, if EIGRP and OSPF are both running on the network with their default configurations.- I* V0 X0 r* {3 k
Answer: ADE, t1 \, b6 `. J: o( ^

! g5 p: {, e: }, S5. Refer to the exhibit. Which two statements are true about the loopback address that is configured on RouterB? (Choose two.)
/ U$ \3 ?, u+ C' K: f- p( tA. It ensures that data will be forwarded by RouterB.  r/ p  ~" S* E0 \
B. It provides stability for the OSPF process on RouterB." f. w; R- z1 H
C. It specifies that the router ID for RouterB should be ^6 V( N7 z% s3 a) u0 f4 O
D. It decreases the metric for routes that are advertised from RouterB.4 p+ j$ N) ~, @8 p1 y7 g) `6 I
E. It indicates that RouterB should be elected the DR for the LAN.
0 q: H, @* W# v: t# o9 NAnswer: BC6 N" L" H6 e5 t$ l
4 o5 U5 R" v# c; y
640-8022 O$ \& ?, ~5 X" q7 s, A* f
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